antioquia - Colombia
Welcome to AMBI, a story of sea and mountains written with macaw feathers on chagro, yarumo and tobacco leaves.


We recognize and rescue the wisdom of our native Elders of the territory, and their mastery in the art of living.

Pedagogy of experience

We believe in lived experience as pedagogy so that the knowledge acquired becomes practical knowledge.

Regenerative creativity

We are a project in constant evolution, which takes the step from sustainable to regenerative.

Main projects

Our community has a wide range of activities, each of them based on the discovery of the being through the knowledge of Mother Nature. From Ayahuasca retreats to comprehensive learning spaces.

Ayahuasca Retreats

Heal the soul, heal the body, forge the spirit, expand our human potential.
more information

Forest School

An alternative education to form complete human beings.

Music Medicine

The art of expressing ourselves and healing ourselves through sounds and our voice.
more information

University for life

Formation of the universal, conscious, sentient and
expansive being.

Our Art

Entrepreneurship created in
Ambi for the world.

Our trajectory

Since 2010 we have been working and benefiting thousands of people with our projects and initiatives.
Learn more about us

+ 125 retreats

+ 3200 attendees

+ 20 Workshops and experiences

+ 10 projects

Testimonies that Inspire

Little stories full of greatness, learning, new ways of seeing life and nature.
"It was a very profound experience where I could confront my fears. I felt the welcoming of ambi's family, making me feel at home. This was a big step in my life, and I am very happy for all the people I met here. And the special bonus of the retreat was the music, which transformed me deeply."
France - Retreat 2024
"It was an extraordinary experience. I met many beautiful people at Ambi, who shared all their love with me. Before coming here, I felt lost in life, but this experience, the people of the service, and the medicine helped me to be strong, to feel like myself, and to feel part of the family. Thank you!"
France - Retreat 2024
'I am very grateful to have come to Ambi community. I was reborn here. Now I know it! This place is full of beautiful souls and wonderful music that heals the heart. If you come here, you will feel like you are at home."
France - Retreat 2024

Ayni / Nuestro arte

Productos creados desde nuestra naturaleza creadora, al servicio de la humanidad y la vida.


We are located in Guarne, municipality of Antioquia, near the city of Medellín, Colombia.
Get to know our territory
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